Briptu Norman Indonesia

First Brigadier Norman was a member of the Indonesian police from Gorontalo, he was not a new artist who appeared on television screens, but his name became famous because of the video sensation that mimics the style of Indian actor -Jayya Shahrukan through his song he made victorious through youtube and then suddenly he became an artist

Norman was caused by First Brigadier he also received a reprimand and sanctions, but said other circumstances .. it also works like a famous celebrity he's become the capital of which is to enjoy doing a lot of people. Some infotainment jg First Brigadier Norman also preached about for days, he consequently became popular among the people of Indonesia to the artists also participated mengidolakannya well.

Support came from many First Brigadier Norman for not getting sanctions from superiors and government, to the support they provide much sympathy First Brigadier Norman finally get a job, an invitation on several television shows.

Not only that, there was news that First Brigadier Norman get a college scholarship in one of the University of Indonesia

Waaww ..... First Brigadier Norman ....????? how ...?? You are interested in walking trail?

hahahaa ...
because my blog is still new, so I hope our friends in the commentary

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